DigCompEdu Competence area

5.3 Actively engaging learners

Progression Level

Expert (B2)

Minimum digital skills level of Students


Minimum digital skills level of Educators


Learning/Teaching situation

Using a school radio for extending on social and educational topics. 

Target group

Institutions and Teaching Institutions


  • PC/laptop/smartphone
  • Internet connection
  • Soundcloud broadcasting software


Radio Casting provides an exciting and engaging medium for your students and teachers alike to use. When managed properly it can enrich the education process while helping users to develop their communication skills, build confidence and discuss the issues that are important to them. It can be used by institutions to foster a safe community environment for expression views, information related to the school and promote inclusion.

How to do it (step by step)

Step 1


Develop a distribution and content plan- B2

Radio casting on a broad scale can need a group interdependent individual to complete various tasks.  Teamwork as a collaborative effort to delegation of workload can help achieve a common goal. It will help build an inclusive atmosphere in the school and encourage teamwork throughout.

Learning situation: Using a school radio for extending on social and educational topics. 

Selecting team, material and content to Share -Determine the basis of participation, for example consider decided if the station will be produced by a class, committee or a team.

Determine specialized interest’s co-ordination– Teacher can create a rough plan of the segments or structure of delivery, as this may help him identify the individuals who can be most suitable for his team.  

Step 2


Creating and Modifying

Planning the program and production schedule coordinating

Determine your timeline -This includes information on programming and distribution details. Create a flexible schedule detailing when you will be on will air or when content will be uploaded online etc.

Consider content creation and collection method – Planning can help to develop content and a marketing strategy for long term content. Develop ideas for who you may be interested in inviting and the structure of delivery e.g interviews, group discussions extra for programs

Decide on the resources and supporting material- These are for creating enjoyable, engaging, content that will inspire learning.

Considers possible restrictions to use the digital resources related to technical requirements

Accessibility for users -Teachers and students may need equipment

to access the radio discussions, contents both in the class and outside the class environment.

 Suitability of radio as a teaching tool -If teachers are involved, they can also use the school radio to teach and create the material in the classroom

Consider collaborating with other faculties in the school– For example sports, science and other subjects of interest. This also includes identify sections for reoccurring segments.

Step 3

Managing, Protecting and sharing

Takes measures to protect sensitive data and resources-Copy right infringement laws will be checked before.

Considers issues related to access– Takes into account the resources available for participants outside of the classroom as well as inside the classroom environment

 Consider facilitation difficulties and equipment – Radio need equipment for broadcasting, time and commitment.

There is more…

Developing content can be at one’s own pace. Teachers can add of their own content e.g.  writing blog-style articles and updates about what is going on in their classroom.

See Also