Software applications
Instant messaging to create networks of users who can communicate regularly with brief messages, or “tweets.”
Cost : Free
Example of use in education
Track a #hashtag on a relevant research topic (in groups or individually) and see where it leads. Discuss the original source (e.g. retweets) and its credibility.
Free internet voice and video calling between subscribers.
Cost : Free
Example of use in education
Practice a foreign language by calling sister classrooms or volunteers in other countries.
Internet voice and video calling between subscribers which can be recorded.
Cost : Free and paid options
Example of use in education
Task students with roleplaying job interviews. The interview panel can be in one place with the candidates in another. Record the interviews, discuss who gets the job and reasons for the choice.
Free Video-sharing website.
Cost : Free
Example of use in education
Video record a dance choreography and share a private youtube link to the video for home practice / feedback exercises / to catch up absent learners.
Free social network where users can post comments, share photos and post links to news or interesting content, chat live & watch videos.
Cost : Free
Example of use in education
Start a competition based on class topic and post to Facebook. See which projects get most likes. Consider privacy, appearing high on people’s feeds, how regularly to post, finding groups interested in voting, reviewing results using Facebook analytics etc.
Free app for voice/ video calls & sending texts, documents / images & other media over a secure network.
Cost : Free
Example of use in education
Create a closed messaging group for the staff team to communicate, socialise and share ideas.
Learning platform designed to provide a way of providing a personalised learning environments.
Cost : Free
Example of use in education
Create a ‘gap fill’ exercise for students to complete on the moodle. Share with colleagues and label correctly the appropriate courses for which it could be used. Ask for colleagues’ feedback after use.
Microsoft Powerpoint
Software package to create electronic presentation.
Cost : Paid
Example of use in education
Task students with using powerpoint in groups to present a project to the rest of the class.
Google drive/ Dropbox/ onedrive / icloud
Cloud storage service
Cost : Free / paid options
Example of use in education
Create online portfolios of work that can be added to / edited by student(s) and teacher in real time.
Google docs and sheets
Free Web-based app in which documents and spreadsheets can be created, edited and stored online.
Cost : Free
Example of use in education
Create and share an exercise asking for examples (e.g. write the names of different fruits in French) and task students to answer in a certain colour and not overwrite someone else’s answer. Conditionally format cells to their own colour.
Google forms
Free Web-based app in which forms can be created, edited and stored online.
Cost : Free
Example of use in education
Create a self-marking test which gives pre-written feedback on answers given or directs students to one page or another depending on their answers.
Free app that keeps your notes organized
Cost : Free
Example of use in education
Set a research task e.g. Find out things about Iran and take notes in Evernote. After a set time, task the students with organising their notes using folders, sub folders and #tags. Projects may be simplified or expanded upon .Set a research task e.g. Find out things about Iran and take notes in Evernote. After a set time, task the students with organising their notes using folders, sub folders and #tags. Projects may be simplified or expanded upon
Microsoft Publisher
Software to create electronic leaflets/Posters etc.
Cost : Paid
Example of use in education
Task students to take a word version of information about an upcoming event and turn it into a flier using publisher.
Free online tool to create electronic presentation.
Cost : Free / paid options
Example of use in education
With a colleague, create a presentation as your lesson plans so that rather than moving forward in a linear way, students get a visual reminder of the overall relationship between lessons / topics / objectives /activities during the lessons as you zoom in and out.
Free video editing app for apple devices
Cost : Free
Example of use in education
Task students to add text to a movie showing your website, name of creator or copyright notice.
Movie maker
Software package to create and edit videos. (In Windows 10 it has been transformed and added as part of the picture editing software)
Cost : Free
Example of use in education
Task students to make a video presenting their project rather than standing in front of the class. Also allows shy students to engage in a different way.
Free app to create quizzes
Cost : Free
Example of use in education
Create a learning check quiz for the end of a class.
Software to create engaging, animated videos
Cost : Free / paid options
Example of use in education
Create a powtoon explaining a topic and share before class. Class time then becomes more tutorial and less lecture. Search “Flipped Classroom”. Share process, product & difficulties with colleagues.
Online tool to create presentations with votes, polls, word clouds, multiple choice questions, quizzes.
Cost : Free / paid options
Example of use in education
Start to discuss a sensitive topic with a series of interactive, anonymous polls. Philosophy, religion, bullying or sex education are examples.
Website where people can pin images and ideas in one place, ie a pinboard
Cost : Free
Example of use in education
Task students to create a moodboard for a project e.g. costumes and sets for a play.
Free software for multi-track audio editor and recording.
Cost : Free
Example of use in education
Cut music to be a specific length appropriate to the class e.g. For dance, cut music to exactly 3 mins and teach 1 min of choreo per week for 3 weeks.
Free online tool to create electronic leaflets/Posters etc.
Cost : Free
Example of use in education
Task students to work together creating a poster for a school open day.
Free online bulletin board that you can use to display information for any topic.
Cost : Free
Example of use in education
Task the entire class to begin an environmental project using padlet to take notes. Add parameters such as ‘each student must add 1-3 items’ or specific media types from each student.
Online sharing service for professional content including presentations, infographics, documents, and videos.
Cost : Free
Example of use in education
Tutors can use this to find presentations on relevant topics rather than having to create new material from scratch. Frees time for editing and personalisation of the material.
Software to create video tutorials / presentations via screencast/ plugin
Cost : Paid
Example of use in education
Task students to create a video teaching lower level students how to complete a specific digital task. Use clear language and structure.
Instagram is a photo and video sharing social networking service
Cost : Free
Example of use in education
Imagine a historical or fictional character were alive in the modern day and task students to create an instagram account for them and collect relevant photos/followers.