Use Twitter to create a group Mind Map by tracking #hashtags
Use Skype Classroom for connecting with similar learning groups across the world to share ideas, language and culture.
Youtube licences, what does it mean for educational materials
Use Google Translate to assess pronunciation in language courses
Use H5P to offer interactive learning opportunities
Setup an educational blog in EduBlogs for sharing learning materials
Use Wikipedia as a collaborative learning environment
Use learning analytics to monitor students’ behavior in MOODLE
Google docs as a peer review system
Using Google Docs for Formative Assessment
Use h5p dictation for language assessment
Use read aloud extension for learners with dyslexia or other learning disabilities
Use Basecamp as a Project Management System
Use Font creator to add special letters
Use GoToWebinar for an Online Seminar
Use Moodle to create learning classes
Use NextCloud as an Own Storage System for Learning Materials
Use Online Video casting as a Video Tool for Learners
Online Radio casting is an online audio tool for learners
Use Screen recording to save online lessons
How to create an interactive poll with Sli.do using Smartphones
Create an online magazine with students using madmagz
Use we-transfer to manage, protect and share digital resources
Use framadate to digitally consult with a group of students outside the class
Initiate kids to safe blogging and content sharing with Kidblog
Create on-line quiz to assess learner’s progress with typeform
Stimulate learner’s curiosity, creativity and self-learning with TEDed
How to encourage personal and professional skills self-assessment using an online platform “Competences+”
Create an interactive and engaging presentation with Mentimeter
Create and manage digital content using iLove PDF
Set up a group meeting / event with doodle
Use Twitter to create a group Mind Map by tracking #hashtags
Use Skype Classroom for connecting with similar learning groups across the world to share ideas, language and culture.
Use Zoom to role-play job interviews.
Private YouTube channel for class practice, revision and recap.
Use Facebook as a platform for creative work sharing
Kahoot polls as an icebreaker
Use Google Sheets in order to collect data of subject and display in a graph
Use Evernote to produce a deep, collaborative research project.
Create a visual, interrelated lesson plan on Prezi
Create a Padlet and task the entire class to contribute
Use YouTube videos to compile vocabulary/expression word banks (pronunciation and vocabulary)
Use Coggle to give informal feedback/assessment with flow charts
Use QuizWhizzer to make a set of questions and build your own themed revision game
Use Lyrics training to practice vocabulary
Selecting Youtube videos for authentic content
Use Canva to build social media presence, how to make engaging posts and share
Use G Suite Education to Share Online Resources with other teachers
Create a Blended Learning lesson using online resources to develop grammar and vocabulary exercises for homework
Use WordPress to create a class “home page” for students to access class content
Create a WordPress private forum to encourage continued discussion at home
Using Trello to Fostering Learning Collaboration & Communication between students
Using the voice recorder to save your training for students
Using Anchor to record and share conversations
Improving the writing of your students with a blog
Instant teaching with Instagram
Expressive Training with Canva
Using Kahoot for Light-hearted Tests
Jotform for feedback to improve your classes
Popplet for organising classes better
Popplet for an easy way to control and assess work groups
Planning with your students with Google Calendar
Research with Instagram
Instagram as a stimulus to creative writing
Little teachers through the internet
Private YouTube channel for class practice, revision and recap.
Create a ‘gap fill’ exercise for students to complete on moodle.
Using voice recorder to Enhancing your language expression or pronunciation
Improving the writing of your students with a blog
Use OwnCloud as an Own Storage System for Learning Materials